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Thoughts, stories, ideas, recipes, cheers, and more... What else did you think you would get for a $1 tip?

For those of you looking for something on the more sophisticated side you have my apologies. This blog unfortunately mirrors the author (yours truly.) Some of the humor is not for everyone but I liked it and it's my blog so there! My patrons sometimes ask me where I come up with some of this stuff. I am glad to tell them my mind is a lot like Canada. It is sometimes a bit cold, there are a few dark corners, some of it down right confusing and even a bit dirty but there is also a lot of neat stuff up there. So I hope you all enjoy this blog! ... Cheers!

Friday, December 10, 2010

15 Day's till Christmas!

Everywhere you look it is starting to look a lot like Christmas! The holiday season is definitely upon us! Every chain store in America from coast to coast is sporting seasonal sales. There is feelings of pre-holiday stress in the air. Even some radio stations have devoted 24 hours of programming to the sounds of the season. Nat King Cole's vocal cords are nice and warm and Bing Crosby is floating over the air waves. It is truly Christmas time!
Me being the jolly sort I am has decided to start a count down of sorts. Every day will have a drink of the season. So let's start this count down off with Bing Crosby and The White Christmas Dream Martini

White Christmas Dream Martini
1 1/2 oz - Vodka
1 1/2 oz. - Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur
1 oz. - half and half
Drizzle of Chambord
Drizzle of Frangelico
Shake well over ice until frothy and strain
Dust the top with nutmeg

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