Bless this Blog.

Looking for a Bartender for your next function? E-Mail or Call Me! (207) 432-5056

Thoughts, stories, ideas, recipes, cheers, and more... What else did you think you would get for a $1 tip?

For those of you looking for something on the more sophisticated side you have my apologies. This blog unfortunately mirrors the author (yours truly.) Some of the humor is not for everyone but I liked it and it's my blog so there! My patrons sometimes ask me where I come up with some of this stuff. I am glad to tell them my mind is a lot like Canada. It is sometimes a bit cold, there are a few dark corners, some of it down right confusing and even a bit dirty but there is also a lot of neat stuff up there. So I hope you all enjoy this blog! ... Cheers!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

This dude is hilarious... It's funny because it's true!

A few things to say here... First of all this guy is hilarious and speaks the truth. Be nice to your bartender please! He/ she controls all the booze and might be able to pull a string or two as well.

Also check out how this guy makes a martini. He spills half the ingredients all over the table!


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