1) Announcing to everyone in the room you have to "go poopies!"
2) Naming all your toes.
3) Show people with pride where your tooth just fell out. (Unless you are from Turner, Maine in that case you could easily be an elected official.)

5) Leave the house in nothing more than a t-shirt and a diaper.
6) Tell the same knock, knock joke over and over again, laugh and expect everyone else to laugh every time.
7) Show everyone you are wearing your "big boy" underwear.
8) Trying to ride the dog
9) Telling people and believing you have super powers when you tie your "blankey" around your neck.
10) Just letting a fart rip whenever or where ever you are. (Again unless you are from Turner, Maine in which case congrats you are soon to be mayor of that fine town.)
11) wearing swimmies when at the pool.
12) Drinking out of anything with a nipple on it.
That is all I have for now...
This is my life everyday at work. Cute on 2 year olds, terrifying on adults.